I had the wonderful gift of getting to experience Grandparent’s Day from a different viewpoint at school this year. Usually, as a teacher, my focus in on one classroom (my own) and my focus stays on the lesson plan and the students who are currently in my charge. This year, I got to experience it as a photographer. I got to take a backseat and just observe. And what I saw? It was beautiful.
I could write to you all about why Newman Central Catholic High School in Sterling, Illinois is a great school. I could wax poetic about the way I saw generations connect yesterday, or the way watching students and their families receive communion together brought tears to my eyes. I could talk about the way hearing my students lift their voices in praise and their arms in love was truly touching. I could do all of that….or I could show you. You know what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words? It’s true. This is one gallery that has to be expeirenced. I hope these images bless you the way experiencing them in person blessed me.
To view the rest of the photos from this beautiful day, go here. You’ll be able to view all 270+ photos from the day – a day absolutely worth viewing.
{ If you are a parent/guardian, grandparent, student, or faculty/staff member at our local Catholic schools, please feel free to email me and request the password to download the zip file of these photos. All I ask is that if you share them, you please credit Rachael Osborn Photography. If you would like to use them for a press release or other media purposes, you may do so as long as you credit me. Black & white conversions are not in the zip file, but are available for some photos. Thank you. }
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